roms_hgrid module

Tools for creating and working with Arakawa C-Grids

This module is a modified copy from [HHT+21].

class gridtools.grids.roms_hgrid.BoundaryInteractor(x, y=None, beta=None, ax=None, proj=None, **gridgen_options)

Bases: object

Interactive grid creation

bry = BoundaryClick(x=[], y=[], beta=None, ax=gca(), **gridgen_options)

The initial boundary polygon points (x and y) are counterclockwise, starting in the upper left corner of the boundary.

Key commands:

t : toggle visibility of verticies d : delete a vertex i : insert a vertex at a point on the polygon line

p : set vertex as beta=1 (a Positive turn, marked with green triangle) m : set vertex as beta=1 (a Negative turn, marked with red triangle) z : set vertex as beta=0 (no corner, marked with a black dot)

G : generate grid from the current boundary using gridgen T : toggle visability of the current grid


Write the current boundary informtion (bry.x, bry.y, bry.beta) to a cPickle file bry_file.


Read in boundary informtion (x, y, beta) from the cPickle file bry_file.


Remove gridlines from axes.


the X boundary points


the Y boundary points


the verticies of the grid


the CGrid object


Remove a generated grid from the BoundaryClick figure

property verts
property x
property y
class gridtools.grids.roms_hgrid.CGrid(x_vert, y_vert, x_rho=None, y_rho=None, x_u=None, y_u=None, x_v=None, y_v=None, x_psi=None, y_psi=None, dx=None, dy=None, dndx=None, dmde=None, angle_rho=None)

Bases: object

Curvilinear Arakawa C-Grid

The basis for the CGrid class are two arrays defining the verticies of the grid in Cartesian (for geographic coordinates, see CGrid_geo). An optional mask may be defined on the cell centers. Other Arakawa C-grid properties, such as the locations of the cell centers (rho-points), cell edges (u and v velocity points), cell widths (dx and dy) and other metrics (angle, dmde, and dndx) are all calculated internally from the vertex points.

Input vertex arrays may be either type np.array or If masked arrays are used, the mask will be a combination of the specified mask (if given) and the masked locations.


>>> x, y = mgrid[0.0:7.0, 0.0:8.0]
>>> x = (x<3) & (y<3), x)
>>> y =, x.mask)
>>> grd = pyroms.grid.CGrid(x, y)
>>> print(grd.x_rho)
[[-- -- -- 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]
 [-- -- -- 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5]
 [-- -- -- 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5]
 [3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5]
 [4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5]
 [5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5]]
>>> print(grd.mask)
[[ 0.  0.  0.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
 [ 1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
 [ 1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
 [ 1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]]

Calculate orthogonality error in radians

property mask

Return mask_rho

mask_polygon(polyverts, mask_value=0.0)

Mask Cartesian points contained within the polygon defined by polyverts

A cell is masked if the cell center (x_rho, y_rho) is within the polygon. Other sub-masks (mask_u, mask_v, and mask_psi) are updated automatically.

mask_value [=0.0] may be specified to alter the value of the mask set within the polygon. E.g., mask_value=1 for water points.

property mask_psi

Return mask_psi

property mask_u

Return mask_u

property mask_v

Return mask_v

property x

Return x_vert

property y

Return x_vert

class gridtools.grids.roms_hgrid.CGrid_geo(lon_vert, lat_vert, proj, use_gcdist=True, ellipse='WGS84', lon_rho=None, lat_rho=None, lon_u=None, lat_u=None, lon_v=None, lat_v=None, lon_psi=None, lat_psi=None, dx=None, dy=None, dndx=None, dmde=None, angle_rho=None)

Bases: gridtools.grids.roms_hgrid.CGrid

Curvilinear Arakawa C-grid defined in geographic coordinates

For a geographic grid, a projection may be specified, or The default projection for will be defined by the matplotlib.toolkits.Basemap projection:

proj = Basemap(projection=’merc’, resolution=None, lat_ts=0.0)

For a geographic grid, the cell widths are determined by the great circle distances. Angles, however, are defined using the projected coordinates, so a projection that conserves angles must be used. This means typically either Mercator (projection=’merc’) or Lambert Conformal Conic (projection=’lcc’).

property lat

Shorthand for lat_vert

property lon

Shorthand for lon_vert

class gridtools.grids.roms_hgrid.Focus

Bases: object

Return a container for a sequence of Focus objects

foc = Focus()

The sequence is populated by using the ‘add_focus_x’ and ‘add_focus_y’ methods. These methods define a point (‘xo’ or ‘yo’), around witch to focus, a focusing factor of ‘focus’, and x and y extent of focusing given by Rx or Ry. The region of focusing will be approximately Gausian, and the resolution will be increased by approximately the value of factor.

foc.add_focus_x(xo, factor=2.0, Rx=0.1)
foc.add_focus_y(yo, factor=2.0, Ry=0.1)
Calls to the object return transformed coordinates:

xf, yf = foc(x, y)

where x and y must be within [0, 1], and are typically a uniform,
normalized grid. The focused grid will be the result of applying each of
the focus elements in the sequence they are added to the series.


>>> foc = pyroms.grid.Focus()
>>> foc.add_focus_x(0.2, factor=3.0, Rx=0.2)
>>> foc.add_focus_y(0.6, factor=5.0, Ry=0.35)
>>> x, y = np.mgrid[0:1:3j,0:1:3j]
>>> xf, yf = foc(x, y)
>>> print(xf)
[[ 0.          0.          0.        ]
 [ 0.36594617  0.36594617  0.36594617]
 [ 1.          1.          1.        ]]
>>> print(yf)
[[ 0.          0.62479833  1.        ]
 [ 0.          0.62479833  1.        ]
 [ 0.          0.62479833  1.        ]]
add_focus_x(xo, factor=2.0, Rx=0.1)

docstring for add_point

add_focus_y(yo, factor=2.0, Ry=0.1)

docstring for add_point

class gridtools.grids.roms_hgrid.Gridgen(xbry, ybry, beta, shape, ul_idx=0, focus=None, proj=None, nnodes=14, precision=1e-12, nppe=3, newton=True, thin=True, checksimplepoly=True, verbose=False)

Bases: gridtools.grids.roms_hgrid.CGrid

docstring for Gridgen

gridtools.grids.roms_hgrid.dist_point_to_segment(p, s0, s1)

Get the distance of a point to a segment.

*p*, *s0*, *s1* are *xy* sequences

This algorithm is from

class gridtools.grids.roms_hgrid.edit_mask_mesh(grd, proj=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Interactive mask editor

edit_mask_mesh(grd, proj)

Edit grd mask. Mask/Unsmask cell by a simple click on the cell. Mask modification are store in mask_change.txt for further use.

Key commands:

e : toggle between Editing/Viewing mode

class gridtools.grids.roms_hgrid.edit_mask_mesh_ij(grd, coast=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Interactive mask editor


Edit grd mask. Mask/Unsmask cell by a simple click on the cell. Mask modification are store in mask_change.txt for further use.

Key commands:

e : toggle between Editing/Viewing mode

class gridtools.grids.roms_hgrid.get_position_from_map(grd, proj=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Get cell index position Interactively

get_position_from_map(grd, proj)

Get index i, j as well as lon, lat coordinates for one cell simply by clicking on the cell.

Key commands:

i : toggle between Interactive/Viewing mode

gridtools.grids.roms_hgrid.rho_to_vert(xr, yr, pm, pn, ang)
gridtools.grids.roms_hgrid.rho_to_vert_geo(lonr, latr, lonp, latp)

return u-, v-, and psi-masks based on input rho-mask


rmask (ndarray) – mask at CGrid rho-points


(umask, vmask, pmask) – masks at u-, v-, and psi-points

Return type
