
This section describes the “Advanced” controls for generation of the model grid.


For now, these controls are fixed to support only MOM6 model grids. There may be additional controls added to the gridtools grid generation application in the future.

Grid Reference

For now, the model grid can only be constructed from the grid center. In a future release, the grid may be specified in releation to other points of reference. For example, from a western point or north eastern point. In which case, the total distance and cell distances would expand from those boundaries instead of split at a center point.

Grid Type

For now MOM6, is the only model grid supported by the grid generation application.

Grid Mode

For MOM6, the grid mode is fixed at two (2). This specifies the generation of a supergrid even though the grid spacing is in reference to the regular MOM6 model grid cells. This may become clearer in future releases.