
This section describes the “Spacing” controls for generation of the model grid.

This controls the construction of the model grid about the center point.

Grid Extent

The dx and dy represent the DISTANCE of the entire model grid in the x and y directions. The UNITS need to be in degrees or meters.

Grid Resolution

The grid resolution in the X and Y direction in degress or meters. These represent the individual cell distances in the X and Y direction.

Number of grid points

The following equations are used to determine the number of grid points in the x and y directions.

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}nx = dx / X\\ny = dy / Y\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

The supergrid will be of the size:

\[(ny * 2) + 1, (nx * 2) + 1\]

If the grid cell distance is INCREASED the number of grid cells will DECREASE.


This is for the construction of the regular grid cells for a MOM6 model grid. A supergrid is automatically created for the regular MOM6 model grid.